Academia Brasil-Europa© de Ciência da Cultura e da Ciência Akademie Brasil-Europa© für Kultur- und Wissenschaftswissenschaft
Membro honorário da Academia Brasil-Europa de Ciência da Cultura e da Ciência (A.B.E.) e do Instituto de Estudos da Cultura Musical do Mundo de Língua Portuguesa (I.S.M:P.S.). Participou como conferencista em vários eventos: Congresso Internacional Brasil-Europa 500 Anos: Música e Visões, Colonia/Bonn e IV° Simpósio Internacional Música Sacra e Cultura Brasileira, Maria Laach (1999), Colóquio Dimensões Européia da Cultura Musical Portuguesa (2001) e das sessões de Paraty, Rio de Janeiro e Petrópolis do Colóquio Internacional de Estudos Interculturais (2004). Vem exercendo intensa atividade como consultor.
Áreas que representa na A.B.E.
Estudos de Lusitanidade, Repertório da Música Portuguesa
Manuel Ivo Cruz graduated in History and Philosophy by the Lisbons University. He is currently the Musical Director and Chief Conductor of the Oporto Classical Orchestra.
After finishing senior school in Orchestra Conducting with distinction in the Mozarteum Academy of the Salzburg University, as a foundationer with a scolarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, he returned to Lisbon whre he became Musical Director and Chief Conductor of the Lisbon's Philarmonic Orchestra.
For many years he collaborated in the Opera Seasons of Trindade Theater in Lisbon und in Concert Seasons with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Orchestra, with whom he made many tournees in Portugal, Spain and Africa.
Manuel Ivo Cruz has been regularly presented as Guest Conductor in Concert and Opera performances with great success to the critics and to the audience in Spain, Germany, United States of America, Greece, Brazil, People's Republic of China, Italy, Morocco, Bulgary, Macau, France, Russia and Venezuela.
He was Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Portuguese National Opera House "Teatro Nacional de São Carlos" in Lisbon, until it was extinguished.
His wide repertoire ranges the traditionnal Opera programs to the Contemporary Composer's music, having performed under his conduction most of the greatest lirical and vocal soloists in the world.
He founded and directed the International Musical Summer School of Estoril and was member of the Scientific Council in Oporto's Senior School of Music.
In 1969 he was conceded the prize "Moreira de Sá" by the "Orpheon Portuense".
He is President and Artistic Director of the "Circulo Portuense de Opera" and the Chamber Opera of Queluz Royal Theater.
In recent past he has been teaching Orchestra Conduction in the international Summer School of Music in Brasilia and in the Regional Conservatoire of Gaia (Portugal). He also teached in the University of Pará and in São Paulo (Brazil).
He has had many of his work in musicology published and his wide repertoire documented in records by EMI, Numerica and Tecla.
He is Honorary Member of the Brazilian Society of Musicology, Correspondent Member of the Brazilian Music and Arts Academy, Individual Member of the Portuguese Music Council, of the Portuguese Musical Science Association, Founder and Vice-President of the "Conférence Europeénne de la Musique" and the "Obsérvatoire Européen des Sciences, des Téchniques et de l'Économie de la Musique", organizations attached to the European Community.
He was awarded the titles of "Oficiel du Mérit Culturel et Artistique" (France), "Ordem do Rio Branco" (Brazil) and "Grande Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique" (Portugal).